The girl with the dragon tattoo is a 2011 psychological crime thriller film based on the 2005 novel of the same name by stieg larsson. this film adaptation was directed by david fincher and written by steven zaillian.. Following a hollywood remake of the girl with the dragon tattoo, featuring key locations from the books and films. frequented by daniel craig during the filming of the girl with the dragon. Inspired by late author stieg larsson's successful trilogy of books, the girl with the dragon tattoo gets under way as the two leads (daniel craig and rooney mara) are briefed in the disappearance.
If i'm to rank david fincher's detective thrillers the girl with the dragon tattoo is below se7en and zodiac but it doesn't mean it is a weak movie, definitely not! i don't think i can find much they could have done better. the swedish movie was good but this is much better. it lives up to my expectations as a fan of the book.. Part of lisbeth salander's payback scene from david fincher's last movie, the girl with the dragon tattoo i own nothing. lisbeth salander tgwtdt by david fincher samanta van durden scott.. The dismay that usually greets reports of a hollywood remake of a european film has been notably absent from the debate over david fincher's the girl with the dragon tattoo..
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